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Perimeter  enforcement protection


UAV (Unmanned Ariel Vehicles) more commonly known as drones have become widely available and very affordable in recent years. Although primarily designed for hobbyist, photography, videography and surveying, drones can easily be used for nefarious purposes. The has been a surge in these devices being used in illegal activities ranging from spying, delivering drugs and weapons to prisons, as bombs and also as widely publicised causing major disruption to international airports. 


Stop unauthorised UAV intrusions in restricted areas 

At Sensing we offer a range of devices specifically designed to take direct action against threats to your airspace. Our range of solutions disrupt the communication between the drone (UAV) and its controller forcing the threat to land or to return to its take off point.


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Osprey Disruptor.png



Currently the use of these devices within Australia is strictly controlled. However UAV Interception has been used at the Commonwealth Games at the Gold Coast in 2018 and as the threat from illegel use continues to rise the rules governing the use of,  and the technology of, jamming devices will continue to evolve.  Contact  us directly for the most up to date information. 


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